About us

Everyone remembers where they were when the covid epidemic broke out and lockdowns began here in the states in 2020, I remember exactly because my wife and I were returning from Cozumel on a cruise ship to Tampa Florida March 16 of 2020 when the cruise lines had announced that that we were the last remaining cruise ship in the gulf and that no more cruises would be sailing after our return to port. Well, we made it home thankfully as they let us port but the crew of the ship had to go back out to sea and linger around for a while, most of the employees of the ship not knowing when they would be able to return home.

I am Rob and my wife Heather; we became home bodies for a few months like most people but we did find our new found freedom here in Florida being able to kayak the natural springs away from any populated areas and not under the restraint of wearing face masks. In some ways I guess it was a blessing because we got to explore more outdoors than we ever have in our 20 wonderful years of marriage.

This was a time when most stores were running out of necessities like toilet paper, cream cheese and other common conveniences. Doctors’ offices were also impossible to get into at that time.

From all of our outdoor excursions in the Florida sun, my wife had developed a rash from the heat and sweating which really turned into a fungal development. Not all that uncommon on fair skin. while I had a developed few dark spots that could be concerning. We didn’t have a whole lot of options for treatment and what you were able to find on the store shelves had a lot of chemicals or unknown man-made ingredients that didn’t really address some of our skin care needs in a healthy way.

So, I, “Mr. FIX-IT” the wife often calls me, a lifelong mechanical engineer of 55 summers of age decided to embark on research for natural products that were free of chemicals and had no hidden label properties disguised by long, hard to pronounce ingredients potentially harmful and or greasy or smelly.

Now, you may be thinking to yourself, what does an engineer know about skin care and natural products right?  Right! I wasn’t truly an expert at the time on natural skin health but I have always studied and practiced holistic treatment for health as I am a firm believer that our divine creator has given us everything we need here on this amazing planet to survive and heal with by nature. Besides, designing rocket parts, aerospace and automotive parts for a living didn’t come naturally either, but it took lots of studying and research to be a successful engineer. All I had to do is apply that same discipline to research and development on this product in which I cared about passionately.

My journey began with studying natural oils, clean processed and those that offer the most beneficial results for good healthy skin and that could help reduce sun spots, age spots or liver spots as some of you know them by as well as treat fungus and rash.

I have always been mindful of good skin care and trying to stay as young looking as possible. Heather often complains about my native American Indian blood which helps me produce a good tan quickly and she is a fair complected redhead with sensitive skin.

So, I wanted to develop a formula with natural oils that would benefit both her and I that we could totally rely on and feel safe with that would also produce noticeable result in a short amount of time while creating healthy skin and maintaining a youthful complexion. 

Working from home really allowed me to do a lot of research, reading great articles from top dermatologists all over the world. Reading of long kept tribal and family recipes that were handed down from great grandmothers to their daughters who handed that down to their daughters and so on for many generations. I wanted to focus mostly on Mediterranean, Spanish, South American and Asian Pacific women in the study as I have always found it amazing that these people have some of the most beautiful skin and complexions on earth. In my research of these cultures, I had found that a lot of them had similar basic ingredients in common and used for their rituals, daily routines and diets which contributed to their healthy, beautiful glow, youthful looking skin and even silky beautiful hair.

After working with several formulation experts we were able to break down the key ingredients and located these natural oils, rich in nutrients for vital skin health.

We were looking for the right emollients (moisturizers that soften and soothe the skin) and retinols with Omega 3 and omega 6, fatty acids, linoleic acid, Vitamins E, C, A, F and B complex and sterols which help cellular development.

After several months of working with the formulation experts, we developed a formula that really works for repairing unhealthy skin, creating a smooth and silky touch while adding vitamins and nutrition into your skin to help maintain that healthy glow and youthful appearance. Some of the benefits of these amazing oils when combined in just the right amounts is key to delivering a formula that can not only heal but reduce scarring, lines, wrinkles and even help psoriasis and acne. 

Jojoba oil-

Contains vitamin E and B-complex vitamins.  These vitamins help in skin repair and damage control. Jojoba oil is also a humectant ingredient. Meaning that it works to attract water to the top layer of the skin, helping to keep the skin hydrated which may help prevent bacterial infections, acne, and dandruff from forming. Jojoba oil also contains antimicrobial and antifungal properties. When you apply jojoba oil on your skin, your skin is soothed and moisturized sending a signal to your hair and sweat follicles that your skin doesn’t need additional sebum for hydration. It is also a promising ingredient in stimulating wound healing. Research shows that jojoba oil encourages your skin cells to bind together after they’ve been separated by a scratch or cut.

Along with its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, topical application may help relieve dryness, flaking, itching, and related symptoms. People who have inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema may find jojoba oil especially beneficial and soothing. This may also be the reason for its ability to treat acne and acne scarring. Jojoba oil keeps skin from looking oily and helps prevent acne caused by clogged pores. Jojoba oil is also a popular ingredient used in some natural sunscreen products.

Study suggests that vitamin E, when combined with other antioxidants, can help protect your skin from sun damage. JOJO Botanical Products formula contains both. Sun damage can dehydrate your skin and cause flaking. Jojoba oil restores vitamin E, adds moisture, and promotes healing to soothe these symptoms of sunburns.

Calendula oil - Is a natural oil extracted from marigold flowers (Calendula officinalis). Calendula oil has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that can make it useful in healing wounds, soothing eczema, and relieving rashes. It also pairs well with jojoba oil.

Grapeseed Oil - It has a high linoleic acid content which adds to strengthening the skin's barrier thereby reducing the redness and inflammation caused by breakouts. Grapeseed oil also contains Vitamin E, an amazing ingredient that reduces inflammation and hydrates the skin to help plump fine lines and wrinkles.

Apricot kernel oil. This beneficial oil is very light and quickly makes skin soft and smooth due to its natural Vitamin A content. it penetrates deep into the skin and provides long-lasting moisturization. Its fatty acids act as non-greasy emollients to nourish and restore dry skin.

Sweet almond oil. It is well known for its ability to effectively hydrate and nourish the skin, leaving it softer and smoother. Sweet almond oil also forms a protective barrier on the skin, preventing moisture loss and enhancing the skin's own natural moisture-retaining properties.


Miraculously, the wife's rash has never come back and my bald shaven head looks better than it ever has. No more wrinkles or dark spots! Our friends and family are totally amazed with the products as well.

Our mission - To provide only the best all natural, non-GMO, totally vegan, skin care and beautification products available.

We will always be committed to this approach and pledge to never use smelly, harmful chemicals in our products.

We hope you will try JOJO Botanical Products and discover the amazing benefits this formula has to offer. We think you’ll love them.

Thank you for reading and be sure to comment in our comment or email section on your experience with JOJO Botanical Products.